PJ Shirley

Property Practitioner

Get to Know Me
Having been raised in and around the property industry, I have had the good fortune of gaining vast knowledge and experience which I am able to apply and expand on throughout my career. I have a considerable passion for meeting and learning about people from all walks of life, creeds and cultures. Understanding the needs of my clients is crucial as property acquisition remains to be one of the most important moments in an individual’s life.

Having joined the powerhouse, Intro Real Estate, their combination of knowledge, ongoing training and professionalism has enhanced my ability to meet all of my clients’ real estate requirements at unprecedented levels. We offer a one-stop service with the added bonus of an in-house Mortgage Specialist where no barrier is too great to overcome for potential buyers and will secure the best possible competitive rate of interest and package to suit your individual criteria, at no additional cost to you. If in doubt about your credit rating, a pre-approval will be carried out prior to you entering the market place in order to provide guidance on how to present your application in the best possible light.

Furthermore, we offer the expertise of three well renowned, Conveyancing Attorneys that have worked on our panel for over four decades. These attorneys have been selected based on their performance in terms of efficiency and professionalism, who specialize in conveyancing, which offers peace of mind to all.

A home should be more than something pretty to look at. Our homes should inspire us every day to live the life we dream of and aspire to. - Unknown

Allow me to find you your muse. I look very forward to connecting with you to assist you with all your property needs.

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